F.8.1 Global transformations


Floating-point arithmetic operations and external function calls may entail side effects which optimization shall honor, at least where the state of the FENV_ACCESS pragma is β€œon”. The flags and modes in the floating-point environment may be regarded as global variables; floating-point operations (+, *, etc.) implicitly read the modes and write the flags.


Concern about side effects may inhibit code motion and removal of seemingly useless code. For example, in

#include <fenv.h>
void f(double x)
     /* ... */
     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) x + 1;
     /* ... */

x + 1 might raise floating-point exceptions, so cannot be removed. And since the loop body might not execute (maybe 0 >= n), x + 1 cannot be moved out of the loop. (Of course these optimizations are valid if the implementation can rule out the nettlesome cases.)


This specification does not require support for trap handlers that maintain information about the order or count of floating-point exceptions. Therefore, between function calls, floating-point exceptions need not be precise: the actual order and number of occurrences of floating-point exceptions (> 1) may vary from what the source code expresses. Thus, the preceding loop could be treated as

if (0 < n) x + 1;