7.22 Type-generic math <tgmath.h>


The header <tgmath.h> includes the headers <math.h> and <complex.h> and defines several type-generic macros.


Of the <math.h> and <complex.h> functions without an f (float) or l (long double) suffix, several have one or more parameters whose corresponding real type is double. For each such function, except modf, there is a corresponding type-generic macro.[1] The parameters whose corresponding real type is double in the function synopsis are generic parameters. Use of the macro invokes a function whose corresponding real type and type domain are determined by the arguments for the generic parameters.[2]


Use of the macro invokes a function whose generic parameters have the corresponding real type determined as follows:

  • First, if any argument for generic parameters has type long double, the type determined is long double.

  • Otherwise, if any argument for generic parameters has type double or is of integer type, the type determined is double.

  • Otherwise, the type determined is float.


For each unsuffixed function in <math.h> for which there is a function in <complex.h> with the same name except for a c prefix, the corresponding type- generic macro (for both functions) has the same name as the function in <math.h>. The corresponding type-generic macro for fabs and cabs is fabs.

<math.h>          <complex.h>           type-generic
function          function              macro

acos              cacos                 acos
asin              casin                 asin
atan              catan                 atan
acosh             cacosh                acosh
asinh             casinh                asinh
atanh             catanh                atanh
cos               ccos                  cos
sin               csin                  sin
tan               ctan                  tan
cosh              ccosh                 cosh
sinh              csinh                 sinh
tanh              ctanh                 tanh
exp               cexp                  exp
log               clog                  log
pow               cpow                  pow
sqrt              csqrt                 sqrt
fabs              cabs                  fabs

If at least one argument for a generic parameter is complex, then use of the macro invokes a complex function; otherwise, use of the macro invokes a real function.


For each unsuffixed function in <math.h> without a c-prefixed counterpart in <complex.h> (except modf), the corresponding type-generic macro has the same name as the function. These type-generic macros are:

atan2                fma                  llround              remainder
cbrt                 fmax                 log10                remquo
ceil                 fmin                 log1p                rint
copysign             fmod                 log2                 round
erf                  frexp                logb                 scalbn
erfc                 hypot                lrint                scalbln
exp2                 ilogb                lround               tgamma
expm1                ldexp                nearbyint            trunc
fdim                 lgamma               nextafter
floor                llrint               nexttoward

If all arguments for generic parameters are real, then use of the macro invokes a real function; otherwise, use of the macro results in undefined behavior.


For each unsuffixed function in <complex.h> that is not a c-prefixed counterpart to a function in <math.h>, the corresponding type-generic macro has the same name as the function. These type-generic macros are:

carg                    conj                     creal
cimag                   cproj

Use of the macro with any real or complex argument invokes a complex function.


EXAMPLE With the declarations

#include <tgmath.h>
int n;
float f;
double d;
long double ld;
float complex fc;
double complex dc;
long double complex ldc;

functions invoked by use of type-generic macros are shown in the following table:

macro use                                  invokes

            exp(n)                              exp(n), the function
            acosh(f)                            acoshf(f)
            sin(d)                              sin(d), the function
            atan(ld)                            atanl(ld)
            log(fc)                             clogf(fc)
            sqrt(dc)                            csqrt(dc)
            pow(ldc, f)                         cpowl(ldc, f)
            remainder(n, n)                     remainder(n, n), the function
            nextafter(d, f)                     nextafter(d, f), the function
            nexttoward(f, ld)                   nexttowardf(f, ld)
            copysign(n, ld)                     copysignl(n, ld)
            ceil(fc)                            undefined behavior
            rint(dc)                            undefined behavior
            fmax(ldc, ld)                       undefined behavior
            carg(n)                             carg(n), the function
            cproj(f)                            cprojf(f)
            creal(d)                            creal(d), the function
            cimag(ld)                           cimagl(ld)
            fabs(fc)                            cabsf(fc)
            carg(dc)                            carg(dc), the function
            cproj(ldc)                          cprojl(ldc)
