There are three looping constructs, the while, until, and for loops, which can be used to repeatedly execute a sequence of shell commands.
While Loop
The while loop repeatedly executes a compound-list while another compound-list has a zero exit status; it has the form,
while-loop: while compound-list do compound-list done
The while compound-list is executed; if it has exit status zero, the do compound-list is executed and the process repeats.
Exit Status
The exit status of the while command is the exit status of the last do compound-list that was executed, otherwise zero.
Until Loop
The until loop is identical to the while loop except that it executes a compound-list until another compound-list has a zero exit status; it has the form,
until-loop: until compound-list do compound-list done
Exit Status
As with the while loop, the exit status of the while command is the exit status of the last do compound-list that was executed, otherwise zero.
For Loop
The for loop repeatedly executes a compound-list for each member of a list of items; it has the form,
for-loop for name [ in [word ... ]] do compound-list done
The list of words following in are expanded to generate a list of items. On each iteration, the variable name is set to the next item and the compound-list is executed, until the list of items is exhausted.
Exit Status
The exit status of a for command is the exit status of the last command that executes, or zero if there are no items.
Notice that the exit status of all the looping constructs is 0 if the loop body is never executed.