
Identifiers are names that can refer to the following program entities:

  • objects

  • functions

  • structures, unions, and enumerations, along with their members

  • type aliases

  • labels

Every identifier has a name, belongs to a namespace, is restricted by its scope, and may be linked to other identifiers via linkage. Identifiers are introduced to the program through declarations and label statements.


A valid identifier consists of any combination of upper-and-lower-case letters, digits, and underscores (‘_’) that does not begin with a digit. There are, however, some particular identifiers or patterns of identifiers that are off-limits, called reserved identifiers; these are the keywords listed in 6.4.1 Keywords and several classes of identifiers listed in 7.1.3 Reserved identifiers.

Some broad classes of identifiers are reserved, summarized below,

  • Identifiers beginning with an underscore followed by an upper-case letter or by a second underscore are always reserved.

  • File-scope identifiers beginning with an underscore are reserved at file-scope, but may be freely used in all other scopes.

  • Identifiers beginning with to, is, str, mem, or wcs, and followed by any lower-case letter are reserved.

  • Identifiers beginning with E, LC_, SIG, or SIG_, and followed by an upper-case letter are reserved.

Declaring reserved identifiers in a program can cause conflicts with the library and other aspects of the C implementation, leading to undefined program behavior.


Each identifier is part of a specific namespace, and the namespace an identifier belongs to is determined by its immediate context,

Label Names

The label namespace handles identifiers introduced in label statements or used as targets of the goto statement.

Tag Names

The tag namespace manages identifiers immediately following struct, union, and enum keywords, identifying specific structures, unions, or enumerations.

Member Names

Each structure and union has its own namespace for resolving member names when accessed through the . (dot) and -> (arrow) operators.

Ordinary Identifiers

All remaining identifiers, including object and function identifiers, type aliases, and enumeration constants, share the same namespace.


Object oriented languages often have a concept of named namespaces, such as the std:: namespace in C++. In C, these do not exist; instead, the convention when writing third-party libraries is to prepend the library name to all identifiers, such as my_library_do_something_func(), my_library_buffer_size, etc.


Identifiers have an associated scope, which is the portion of the program where an identifier is visible and can be accessed:

File Scope

Identifiers declared outside of any other scope have file scope which extends from the point of declaration to the end of the file.

Block Scope

Identifiers declared inside a block or in the list of a function’s parameters have block scope that extends from the point of declaration to the closing brace (‘}’) of the associated block.

Function Scope

Labels (and only labels) have function scope, and may be referred to from anywhere within the entire body of the function in which they appear–including before the label.

Function Prototype Scope

Identifiers declared in a function prototype‘s parameter list remain in scope until the end of the prototype declaration.

Identifiers in inner scopes shadow identifiers declared in outer scopes with the same name to resolve naming conflicts.


Identifiers declared more than once in different scopes or in the same scope can be made to refer to the same entity by a process called linkage. There are three types of linkage,

No Linkage

Identifiers without linkage can only be referred to within the scope they appear in. Each declaration of an identifier with no linkage denotes a unique entity.

Internal Linkage

Identifiers with internal linkage can be referred to within the entire translation unit. Each declaration of a particular identifier within the same translation unit denotes the same entity.

External Linkage

Identifiers with external linkage can be referred to from any translation unit in the entire program. Each declaration of a particular identifier within the set of translation units and libraries that constitutes a program denotes the same entity.

Only objects can functions can have linkage